Monday, December 29, 2008

See you there.

2:37 PM
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My pocket just got lighter by 158bucks. :( but :) cos beedee, her sis and me just went mad in Threadless! Yay, bought 8 tees for 10USD each but shipping killed us X_X 30USD for shipping. Oh wells, but they have really cute graphic tees! So much better than what rubbish graphic tees are sold in Singapore. Another plus point is that you won't see like replicas of your tees walking around in Singapore just cos some cheapass China manufacturer decides to rip and cheap produce em. Lalala~

Beedee and I are watching this really funneh show on cable chnl 55; this married couple and their funny quarrels. Its really difficult to find a show that beedee watches cos she's has high expectations for a show :X and so yay to this show! HK dramas are sooooo much nicer than local ones. The only thing is that I still read the english subtitles of the shows cos I lose the plot if I listen to their cheena talks. :X I can't even write a whole sentence in cheena except for perhaps ni hao ma, or ni chi le ma, etc. Aiyarhhhs, you get the drift.

Christmas coming soon, and our family dinner's on 24th. I wonder why my family celebrates it on 24th cos everyone else I know are celebrating it on the 25th. O_o Oh well, means I've got the 25th off to go find beedee and hide in her room watching L Word. We watched all the movies that we bought off the net already :(, only stupid Komodo vs Cobra. Rubbish show, so much for a 2008 show which uses rubbish CG effect for its monsters.

Ohoh, talking about movies, I want to watch twilight and quarintined! The former is a lovelove thing, but hey, vampires!! Latter is of cos my usual 28days later genre, flesh eating zombie :X Both shows got rated 3/5 stars on 8days so I guess they'll be fine? After all, zombie eating movies don't usually get pass 2/5 stars in 8days. Heh.

My aunt's having a baby! A 10 years lag time /GASP! But it means I get to see little tiny monsters again. I like tiny monsters cos they got little hands and feets, oh so cute! :X Esp when they can only hold 1 of your finger in their tiny paws. /BIG WET GOOGOO EYES But, they get annoying when they reach the age of curosity. Why is the sky so high, why you do this, why you do that, why is this thing like this, why is this thing like that, yadayada~ Kids ask the darnest things. I think I'm not ready for that phrase yet. Once I brought Elizabeth out alone and she pointed to a condom and said, "What is a condom?" I was like, "HMMM, I DON'T TELL YOU. When you grow up you'll know." HAHAHAHA, omg that was totally so not conviencing. I PHAIL in teaching a child about sex education wtf.

2:38 PM
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Beedee bought me 2 hammies! Her alterego hammie is called BULLY and mine's SQUEAKY! xDD Sooooooooo alike us. Bully is called Bully cos she's always bullying my Squeaky and my Squeaky will squeaksqueaksqueaks. :( Everything costs like 180. O_O Opps, but we're gonna buy another cage cos they'll fight. :( Both hammies are females and are of pudding breed! Wanted a male and female cos they won't fight alot but the lady said there'll be lots of little hammies; so totally do not know what to do with the constant flow of hammies!!! So yeh, 2 females! xD Me <3 them :X and beedee too!

11:50 PM
Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Back. Jammed the way there, jammed the way back. Missed my beedee like mad. :( Roaming is a horror, cut your throat to pay for the bills. Got beebee the most expanksive receipt out of the whole must-get-items-for list, as usual; recall Shanghai trip - I spend more on her than what I do on myself, ratio of a 1:6. /gasp

9:51 PM
Saturday, December 06, 2008

Am leaving for Malaysia in 2 hours.

I miss my beedee. :( /virtual snuggle up

5:10 AM
Monday, November 24, 2008

Back to moolah earning hunting. :(

Beggers can't be choosers. Why am I always graduating at an economic crisis. :(

Hope the hunt would yield some decent shiet.

Then again, beggers can't be choosers again.

Oh well.

I miss the times when my dad worked in SIA. Oooo, free upgrades to first class! Whoopeedee. Too bad times have changed. No longer are such uber cool benefits offered to staffs. Then again, I would not have been able to sit first class anymore next year, when I turn 21.

Oh my gosh, 21?! Shiet, it feels so nearrrrr. Its kind of ironic that when you;re 16, you're desperately hoping that a night of sleep would leave you waking up and surprisesurprise, you're 21. Now when you're almost 21, you wish for the opposite. Perhaps that's the allure of being young and with less worries. Age comes responsibilities, and yesyes I'm preeching to myself. I need to think maturely even more now, so please let my thoughts grow up according to my age, in lightning speed.

But, I love my casual tee-shirts wear!! :( <33 says that I have to stop wearing tees out already. Sniffles.


4:40 PM
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Loopy de Loop!

If you're gonna fall, I'll let you know, that I would pick you up like you for I.

Where has all these kind of songs disappeared to? Me no like hiphop, R&B, rap, whatsoever. I heart my old school alternative rock songs. :(

Dad says we're going Genting on 6th to 8th December. Isn't really enthu about it. I want to slack at homeeeeeeeeeee. Boohoo. But yeh, since he booked it, so I might as well go with a smile. :)

Baobao's sick. :( Hope she'll get well soon. I just bought like 15movies to watch with her! Nooooooooo to exam feverrrrah!

Got my teeth looking prettyeh good! Costs like my whole salary but dad says its worth it. Better than leaving it looking like I've been smoking for my entire life. Dentist says its cause of some scientific term of floride-cist (??!) and de-calcium-fication (??!). Maybe I should go wiki the spelling. Rofl.

Went online to window shop again and I must say, I bought a realllllllllllyehhhhhh expensive shirt that I think was overpriced. It was supposed to be just window shopping like usual, I swear! But it is sooooooo not buyable in stores and its greennnnneh! Green you knowwwwwwweh? Like pretty shade of greeenehhhh. :( Now i feel guilty. I ought to shoot myself now. Bangbang.

Ok, since I've shot myself and I'm technically dead. This post shall end at the part where I shot myself wtf. Yes, its the weeeeee-mili-gazillion-nano second after bangbang.

11:55 PM

2teen without a purpose or direction
limegreen & orange
stickmens sketcher


Hui Wen

